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Agency: Wonderful Agency Client: Wonderful Pistachios Photographer: Rocket Studio

Agency: Mccann Erickson, LA Client: Nestle Photographer: Pornchai Mittongtare

Agency: BBDO, NY Client: Snickers, Mars inc. Photographer: Markku

Agency: Integer, Denver (CGI, Photography & Retouching)

Agency: BBDO, NY Client: M&M Mars Photographer: Chad Ress

Agency: Dieste Harmel, San Francisco Client: Clorox Photographer: Ka Yeung

Agency: BBDO, NY Client: M&M Mars Photographer: Chad Ress

Agency: Red Wagon, S.F. Client: Freixenet Champagne Photographer: Peter Rodger

Agency: Upshot, Chicago Client: Corona (Full Production, Photography & CGI)

Agency: Upshot, Chicago Client: Corona (Full Production, Photography & CGI)

Agency: McCann-Erickson, SF Client: Nestle (Photo Illustration & Retouching)

Agency: Colangelo Synergy Marketing, CT Client: Guinness

Agency: Havas Worldwide, N.Y. Client: Triscuit Photographer: Simon Harsent

Agency: Havas Worldwide, N.Y. Client: Triscuit Photographer: Simon Harsent

Agency: Odysseus Arms, SF Client: E. & J. Gallo Winery Photographer: Peter Rodger

Agency: Iris, Manchester, England Client: Strongbow Photographer: David Boni

Agency: Red Wagon, S.F. Client: Freixenet Champagne Photographer: Peter Rodger

(100% CGI)

Agency: Juniper Park Client: Frito-Lay Photographer: Bob Stevens

Agency: Element 79 Partners Client: Propel Fitness Water Photographer: Sandro

Agency: TBWA/Chiat/Day Client: Pepsi

CGI Coffee Can

Agency: David & Goliath, LA Client: 42 Below