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Agency: Mullen Lowe, LA Client: Acura

Agency. Saatchi & Saatchi Client. Toyota

Agency: Mullen Lowe, LA Client: Acura Photographer: Sjoerd ten Kate

Agency. Saatchi & Saatchi Client. Toyota

Agency: Conill Client: Toyota Photographer: Bob Stevens

Agency: Spark44, LA Client: Jaguar Photographer: Vic Huber

Agency: Mullen Client: Acura Photographer: Tyler Gourley

Design, CGI Car & Environment

Design, CGI Car and Environment

Agency: Team One Advertising Client: Lexus (CG Interior)

Agency: Rubin Postaer & Associates, LA Client: Acura Photographer: Olaf Hauschulz

Agency: Fallon, Minneapolis Client: General Motors Photographer: Jan Steinhilber

Client: Jeff Ludes (CG Car)

Agency: TBWA/Chiat/Day, L.A. Client: Nissan Photographer: Andrew Douglas

Agency: Team One Advertising Client: Lexus (CG Model Update: New front, wheels and side view mirrors)

Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi, LA Client: Toyota Photographer: Christian Stoll

Agency: Siltanen & Partners, LA Client: Suzuki Photographer: Kevin Necessary

Agency: Adasia, NY Client: Subaru (Full Production, CGI Car & Ying Yang Symbol, Road Photography)

Agency: Adasia, NY Client: Subaru

Agency: The Designory LA Client: Subaru Photographer: Willie von Recklinghausen

Agency: Attik, SF Client: Scion Photographer: Bill Cash (CG Environment & Mobile)

Agency: TBWA/Chiat/Day, L.A. Client: Infiniti Photographer: Igor Panitz

Agency: 180LA Client: Mitsubishi (CG Water & Splashes)

Agency: Rubin Postaer & Associates, LA Client: Acura Photographer: Olaf Hauschulz

Agency: The Designory, LA Client: Nissan Photographer: Brian Garland

Photographer: Chris Wimpey (CGI Car)

Agency: Team One Advertising Client: Lexus (CG Car)

Agency: Y & R, Irvine Client: Lincoln Photographer: Hans Gissinger

CGI Car Photographic Background: Michael Klein – Goodstock

Agency: Spark 44 Client: Jaguar (Photo Illustration)

Agency: TBWA/Chiat/Day, L.A. Client: Infiniti Photographer: Olaf Hauschulz

Agency: Cramer-Krasselt, Minn. Client: Can-Am Photographer: Jeff Ludes

Agency: TBWA/Chiat/Day, L.A. Client: Infiniti Photographer: Rainer Stratmann

Agency: TBWA/Chiat/Day, L.A. Client: Infiniti Photographer: Olaf Hauschulz

Agency: TBWA/Chiat/Day, L.A. Client: Infiniti Photographer: Olaf Hauschulz

Agency: TBWA/Chiat/Day, L.A. Client: Infiniti Photographer: Olaf Hauschulz

Agency: Fallon, Minneapolis Client: General Motors Photographer: Jan Steinhilber

Agency: The Richards Group, Dallas Client: Hyundai Photographer: Bill Cash

Agency: Cutwater, SF Client: Jeep Photographer: Simon Harsent

Agency: Innocean Client: Hyundai Photographer: Tobias C. Hutzler

Agency: Alma DDB Client: Hyundai Photographer: Bob Stevens

Agency: Rubin Postaer and Associates, L.A. Client: Honda Photographer: Markku

Agency: Leo Burnett, Detroit Client: Buick (CG Interior)

Agency: Brand 33, LA Client: Mitsubishi Photographer: Willie von Recklinghausen

Agency: Campbell-Ewald, Detroit Client: Chevrolet Photographer: Kevin Necessary

Agency: Team One Advertising, L.A. Client: Lexus Photographer: Michael Ruppert (CGI Background)

Agency: Team One, LA Client: Lexus (CGI Model Update)

Agency: Conill, LA Client: Toyota Photographer: Bob Stevens

CGI Car Photographic Background: Thomas Schwoerer- Goodstock